Monday, October 14, 2013

What websites can query the value of foreign currencies ?

Web pages in which an investor can find all the information regarding the value of currencies in real time.

The foreign exchange market and

The coins are known how currencies are being used or when driving in a place other than their home . That is, the dollar will cover how a currency when it is being used outside the U.S. borders .

They tend to accumulate in bank deposits, to obtain a return in a timely manner , due to the exchange rate at which currency are subject . This rate is directly affected by the CPI , GDP , or other economic data that could affect the accounts or the economic reality of the state or area in which currency is used .

The market in which trade currencies is FOREX trading , or more commonly known as Forex (Foreign Exchange) , which is a network linking all the investors in forex currencies of each country so that they can acquire and sell them at any time, in order to achieve gains .

The most used currencies are the U.S. dollar , the euro and the pound .
Places to find information

The ideal place for the exchange rate of currencies in real time Internet , as it offers all the information constantly updated .

The main Web page to which reference should be made is the Forex , because the official program for Forex market, the place in which it negotiates with all world currencies .

On this website you can find updated information on the exchange rates , which affect forex .

In addition, each state can be found periodic financial field , in digital , provide all the information regarding currencies. Apart from information on currency rates or currencies , you can find other information regarding the economy, directly affecting the exchange rates. You can find information about the stock markets, the Euribor , etc. .

In newspapers , in addition to economic data , offer articles on breaking stories, which can be very useful for the investor.

Some of these papers , in digital , are:

Unicaja Offices : Two peculiarities of its facilities

Unicaja offices whose main particularity its growing importance in the Andalusian region , being the state with the highest number of ATMs and points of sale in Andalusia.

about Unicaja

Unicaja is the trade name of Monte de Piedad and Savings Bank of Ronda, Almeria, Cadiz , Antequera , Malaga and Jaen, a credit institution of a social nature and foundations , the result of the merger of the following savings :

    Monte de Piedad and Savings Bank of Ronda.

    Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Cádiz .

    Monte de Piedad and Savings Bank of Almeria.

    Caja de Ahorros Provincial de Málaga

    Savings and Loan Antequera.

    Caja de Ahorros Provincial de Jaén .

Unicaja is governed , generally, by the rules of law , and specifically , on the current status of savings banks in Andalucía.

The entity is controlled , operated and administered by the General Assembly , the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board .
The branch network of Unicaja

Unicaja 's registered office is located in Malaga, and currently (data observed in June 2011) , has a network of 953 offices located in 17 Spanish provinces and two autonomous cities , Ceuta and Melilla

They also have international representation through offices in Brussels , Casablanca , Frankfurt and London.

It also has several agreements with foreign banks that do expand , even more , their network of contacts .
Two peculiarities of their offices

The most significant characteristic of Unicaja office network is its strong presence in the Andalusian region , with offices in each of the provinces of the region.

Unicaja is also the state with the highest number of ATMs , POS terminals and payment cards in circulation in Andalusia.

With this, Unicaja has become one of the largest savings banks in Andalusia and the rest of Spain , as it adds to their offices Andalusian representation in the provinces of Albacete , Alicante , Barcelona , Badajoz , Madrid , Murcia , Ciudad Real , Toledo , Valencia and the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla

What is LIBOR ?

To understand how the international financial system is necessary to know each of the component parts and operating mechanisms. The key pieces of the global financial system are, of course , banks . And they have certain ways of regulating their mutual relations . The LIBOR rate is one of them .

What is LIBOR ?

LIBOR The word consists of the initials in English the following words : London InterBank Offered Rate . This I can translated as interest rate London interbank market in which resides also the definition of LIBOR.

Definition of the LIBOR

A broader definition of LIBOR should clarify that this is a daily rate that banks worldwide are referenced for interbank loans. The LIBOR rate thus acts as a guide to rate each bank allocates to funds offering similar institutions .
Who sets the Libor ?

The LIBOR rate is set daily , around 11:00 am (London time ) , by the British Bankers Association . This partnership involves , however , banking institutions operating in sixty countries around the globe , for which LIBOR is of international importance.

How to calculate LIBOR

The libor rate is , in general, an average of the interest rates that apply to interbank lending sixteen largest banks system participants who are also operating with higher values ​​.
Other uses of the Libor

LIBOR is used as a reference for other banking operations . For example , the six-month LIBOR rate is taken as reference for mortgages in America , while in England the three-month LIBOR rate also works for the granting of certain mortgage loans.

The LIBOR rate also serves as a reference for the price of various currencies around the globe, such as the dollar, the pound and the yen .

Why LIBOR established

The LIBOR interest rate was set as a reference tool in the 1980s , when interbank began to grow exponentially.

To standardize the loans and transfers of funds between banks , in 1984 the British Bankers Association began to take the first steps for the establishment of LIBOR , which became operational in January 1986 effectively .

Banco Santander : what is the most remarkable of his portfolio?

Banco Santander is considered one of the best Spanish banks . It offers its customers a very extensive catalog that includes a wide disparity of products and services. In the following detailed highlights of this bank.

Santander Bank Growth

Santander Bank was created in 1857 through a union of traders Cantabria.

After so many years , and the absorption of a few banks both domestic and foreign capital , Santander has become not only one of the most important banks in the country , but also one of the most solvent of Spain multinationals .

Its current name , Banco Santander Central Hispano ( BSCH ) , dates from 1999 , when it merged with Banco Central Hispano (BCH ) .
Best products and services

The portfolio of products and services offered by Banco Santander is inexhaustible .

Focusing on individual customers , we must first note the importance of online banking . Thanks to this service can be made through Internet practically all the daily operations that a user performs in its bank.

In addition , Banco Santander has a very extensive branch network , with qualified staff to help customers resolve their doubts and to conduct banking operations .

Apart from this , the client 's Santander telephone counseling 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

As for the most important products , are the sight accounts with zero commissions and term deposits and structured deposits .

In regard to investment funds , Banco Santander is a leader in the Spanish market . It has the best specialists in the industry to offer the best advice and the right product for each customer profile.

The stock market is also important for Santander . Thus, this bank offers advanced online brokerage service , specifically through supernet 2.0 tool .

Finally , you can leave forgotten the vast catalog of both debit cards credit offered by Santander. Each of them has different characteristics , so that each person choose the one that best conform to their needs.

Banco Mercantil del Norte : brief history and corporate information

The northern commercial bank , was founded in the city of Monterrey for more than a century. Today and become the Grupo Financiero Banorte is the oldest and the fifth most important and largest financial institutions in Mexico , as well as being the only one who does not belong to any foreign group .


The northern commercial bank has its origin in 1899 , the year it was founded under the name of commercial Bank of Monterrey.

Many years later in 1947 another banking company was founded under the name of Northern Regional Bank , with a view to subsequently merge the two entities. This is also where in 1986 the Banco Mercantil del Norte .

During the process of bank privatization in 1992, was bought by the investment group represented by the Mexican businessman Roberto Gonzalez Barrera today remain major shareholders.

In less than ten years , they became what they are today. The acquisition of four banks, and the incorporation of new businesses, leasing services , leasing and factoring services , financial loans , insurance , pension funds and stock are currently Grupo Financiero Banorte.

Banorte Financial Group consists of the following group of entities , each of which performs a specific function in the world of investment banking . With more than 900 branches and about 12,500 employees , has a wide national coverage and offices abroad .

Banco Mercantil del Norte , Banco del Centro , Casa de Bolsa Banorte Lessor -Factor , Factor Banorte , Warehousing Banorte , Bonds Banorte Generali Seguros Banorte - Afore Banorte- Generali Pension Banorte -Generali , Credits Pronegocio , Banorte Securities

The Board of Directors consists of 23 directors, of which six are regular directors , five directors independent owners , six directors and six alternate directors alternates independent .

In keeping with the times and new technologies , have an online banking service available to its customers.

Interest Rate: differences between the TIN and TAE

The nominal interest rate and annual percentage rate are the two types of interest rates used . There are substantial differences between the two modalities , that future will be detailed lines .

Differences between the two interest rates

The two main ways that are used to measure interest rates are nominal interest rate (TIN ) and the annual percentage rate ( APR) .

To calculate the nominal interest rate , which is not simply the amount of money paid if the interest is paid , the first thing to consider is your annual or monthly basis .

If this is an annual rate , upon the expiration of the year or fiscal year , the saver have the amount deposited plus the rate of interest on that amount .

If on the other hand , is a monthly rate , during the first month shall apply to the amount invested , the annual rate divided by twelve . In the following months , the same percentage is applied , but the amount will be the result of adding to the initial amount , the interest of the previous months .

When talking about annual percentage rate or APR refers to the real interest rate is obtained in one operation.

In the annual interest rate , annual percentage rate equals the nominal interest rate .

In contrast, for the monthly rates , the APR becomes the actual type by which you get the exact amount of the return .
A practical example

For example , if a customer has deposited $ 10,000 in a bank, annual nominal rate of 6% after one year , have a total of 10,600 euros.

In this case , the annual percentage rate would also be 6% , and income received from it.

If, however , the nominal interest rate is monthly , the rate becomes: 6% / 12 = 0.5 % each month.

In the first month , the return would be: 10,000 + 10,000 * 0.5 % = 10,050 euros.

The following month , the calculation would be: 10,050 + 10,050 * 0.5 % = 10100.25 euros , and so on.

At the end of the year , the total yield would be 10,617 euros.

Although the amount is greater with the monthly rate to an annual rate , the nominal interest rate would remain at 6%, but the annual percentage rate becomes 6.17% .

SAD is larger than the TIN , as regards the actual performance of the operation.